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IT Solutions
for Your Industry


Zvolv addresses the last mile automation challenges that are often the most complex, need high adaptability and add the most value with an integrated platform that combines no-code BPM and workflow capabilities with Intelligent bot-based automation. In the retail space customers are benefitted by many use cases including

  • Store Opening, Closing and Relocation

  • Operational Excellence

  • Allocation and Replenishment

  • Demand Forecasting

  • Event Management 

Banking & Financial Services

With the Hyper Automation framework, Zvolv provides integrated applications, intelligent BOT features, and a digital platform to enable banks and financial services institutions to better serve their customers and supporting the business processes.

  • Demand Forecast

  • Procurement Automation

  • Financial Tracking

  • Risk Compliance

  • Automated Financial Reports


Transform outdated operations, systems, and experiences into intelligent workflows, simplified processes, and connected services.

  • Supplier Integration

  • Production planning and control

  • Employee Performance

  • Materials Management

  • Inventory Automation

Human Resources

Augment strategic decision making with intelligent bot driven predictive and prescriptive analytics, Zvolv helps human resources personnel to plan and manage operations lifecycle better with faster delivery of processing capabilities. 

  • Employee Availability and Leave Management

  • Employee Attendance and time tracking

  • Employee Onboarding and Offboarding

  • Travel Expensing

  • Resource Estimation


Zvolv provides off-shelf integrations with all the popular ERP, CRM, collaboration and analytics tools. And with the low-code intelligent automation bot framework, you can build your own custom integrations with web services, REST APIs, secure file transfers or database level access. Government agencies can connect all of their people, processes, tools and data silos with Zvolv to create impactful end-end intelligent applications.

  • Procurement Automation

  • Development Applications Lifecycle Tracking

  • Vendor/Partner Onboarding and document management

  • Portfolio Management

  • Inventory Automation

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